Dear Readers,
As I type this post, I am sitting in the Windy City, the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Midwest. The sound of air traffic overhead greets me even as I type. The solitude and serenity found in Shelbytucky may have something over Chicago though. As you know, the Chicago Bears will play the Indianapolis Colts tomorrow for the Superbowl Championship. Today we will be traveling though both these cities. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. Perhaps next year: Pittsburgh and the Patriots? That would be a trip! The above picture comes from my beloved brother and sister-in-law's private garden apartment view... of the internet. If it was their actual front window view you would be seeing snow and people walking around with layers of clothing... layers and layers... like astronauts ambling over the ground. I will proceed to go out in my one layer of clothing. Watching them go by and seeing the breath from their mouths makes me think I came a mite unprepared. But my wonderful, beautiful, practically-perfect sister-in-law did warn me! Oh, to have heeded that warning!!!