Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something to SHOUT About!

Finally, after months of searching through a endless mirage of news articles and magazine clippings, Internet sites, and any other form of media known to man at present; our team of news researchers and analyzers has finally found something TSS worthy to shout about!
(drumroll please....)
(thank you)
Mr. Stephen Smith received a clear pass for all four of his PhD comprehensive exams!!!
I have never known a day (nor will I probably ever) when he has not been in school! He truly has inherited his baby brothers academic genes seeing as his baby brother has not been blessed with them!
For more Information on this mile marker achievement please visit here & here!
In other news, I the editor of TSS, have just completed my final examination for high school mathematics! I am utterly ecstatic!


Stephen Smith said...

Thanks, Ben!

Congratulations on finishing math. We'll try to be praying for you as approach the upcoming SAT. You'll be taking it at the same high school that I did, I think (Greenfield).

Mom & Dad said...
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Anonymous said...

First son to last!! SAT is history! May God lead each one as an arrow aimed for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

Love you both much, Dad & Mom

Anonymous said...

Why is the comment removed?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous:
TSS needs absolutely NO reason to delete and and or remove any and or all comments we deem to be of a hazardous and or offensive nature to our readers.
Thanks for your concern.
-Comment Authorization Committee.

Anonymous said...

Hey...update por favor ;0